Polymer Science is a joint Master Program of the Free University Berlin, the Humboldt University Berlin,
the Technical University Berlin and the University of Potsdam.


Lecture schedule. More...


Members of the Joint Comission and of the Examination Committee. More...


List of provided lectures. More...


How to contact us. More...


How to apply. More...


How to find us. More...


Due to the corona virus crisis we now accept online applications. Please send all pdf documents to the following email address: polymscifub(at)chemie.fu-berlin.de

Applications have to contain:

  • application form (please download*)
  • CV
  • personal statement of intent (one page)
  • 3 letters of recommendation
  • verified copies of transcripts
  • verified copies of qualifying degrees
  • proof of English competency, e.g. TOEFL (PBT 510/CBT 225/iBT 90) or IELTS (6,5 Pkt.)

* The appplication form is fillable only if opened in a standalone pdf reader. It does not work in browser.

Application deadlines:

  • April 30th for Winter Semesters
  • October 31st for Summer Semesters

After these deadlines, applicants may request to be considered for the waiting list or following entry semester.

Expected arrival of accepted students:

  • October 1st for Winter Semesters
  • April 1st for Summer Semesters

Fees and funding:

  • The M.Sc. in Polymer Science Program does not charge for tuition. There is a small semester fee, currently around 300 €, for enrollment and public transportation.
  • For visas and resident permits, accepted students must have at least 600 to 700 € per month at their disposal for living costs.

The M.Sc. in Polymer Science Program does not have scholarships or grants.

1st year courses

Winter Semester Courses

Course title Uni Type SWS Examination Workload CP
Introduction to Macromolecular Chemistry FU V, Ü 40+20 written exam 150 5
Advanced Macromolecular Chemistry FU V, S 40+20 written exam 150 5
Polymer Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory FU S, P 1+3 written exam 150 5
Polymer Characterization HU V, Ü, S, P 2+1+1+45 written exam 300 10
Introduction to Polymer Theory HU V, Ü 2+1 written exam 150 5

Summer Semester Courses

Course title Uni Type SWS Examination Workload CP
Physical Chemistry of Polymeric Materials TU V, Ü, P 4+1+45 written exam 270 9
Polymer Processing and Surface Science of Polymers TU V, Ü, P 3+1+1 written exam 180 6
Functional Polymers and Colloids UP V, Ü, P 3+1 written exam 150 5
Physical and Technical Application of Polymers UP P, S 3+2 practical exam 150 5
Colloids and Biopolymers UP V, S, P 1+1+3 practical exam 150 5

FU - Freie Universität Berlin, HU - Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, TU - Technische Universität Berlin, UP - Universität Potsdam
V - Lecture, Ü - Tutorial, P - Practicum/Lab, S - Seminary
SS or SoSe - Sommer Semester, WS or WiSe - Winter Semester, SWS - Hours per Week in Semester, CP - Credit Points

2nd year courses

Courses recommended for the 2nd year of M.Sc. in Polymer Science program curriculum.

last update: October 09, 2023

(the links are given for WS 2023/24, as far as known)

Type: V = lecture, Ü = tutorial, S = seminar, P = lab
SWS: weekly hours (Semester Wochen-Stunden)
Sem.: semester term, WS = winter term, SS = summer term; (?) no information available at the date of last update
Workload: expected total workload of studying time, in terms of hours unless otherwise noted
CP: credit points.

FU: Free University

Title Type SWS Sem. Examination Workload CP
Scientific Project Management V 2 WS Presentation 90 (30+60) 3
Wissenschaftliche Vorträge und Präsentationen im Fach Chemie S 2 WS Presentation 90 (30+60) 3
Polymer Degradation and Stability V 2 WS 90 (30+60) 3
Drug Targeting and Molecular Imaging V 2 WS 90 (30+60) 3
Quality Management V 2 WS Written exam 90 (30+60) 3
Solids and Interfaces V, Ü 2 WS Written exam 90 (30+60) 3
Quantum Chemistry on the Computer V, Ü 2+2 WS 90 (30+60) 3

HU: Humboldt University

TU: Technical University

Title Type SWS Sem. Examination Workload CP
Kunststoffverarbeitung I (Plastics Processing I) V,P 2+2 WS Portfolio (written exam + reports) 210 (60+150) 7
Kunststoffverarbeitung II (Plastics Processing II) V,P 2+4 SS Portfolio (written exam + reports) 210 (60+150) 7
Thermische Untersuchungen an Polymeren (Thermal Analysis for Polymers) V 2 WS 19/20 oral exam 90 (30+60) 3
Spezielle Kapitel der Polymerphysik (Special Topics of Polymer Physics) V 2 WS + SS oral exam 90 (30+60) 3
Polymere Biomaterialien (Biopolymer Materials) V (+P) 2 (+2) WS oral exam 90 (30+60) 3 (+3)
Current topics of Colloid and Interface Science (only on demand) V 2 WS Oral exam 90 (30+60 3
Self-Assembly and Supramolecular Chemistry - Principles and Applications V 2 SS Oral exam 90 (30+60) 3
Characterisation of Nanostructured Systems - Colloids and Polymers V, S 2 WS Oral exam/
90 (30+60) 3+1

UP: University of Potsdam

Title Type SWS Sem. Examination Workload CP
Polymerchemie II (Analytics and Materials Properties) V 2 WS Oral exam 90 (30+60) 3
Functional Polymers (Hydrogels) V 2 WS Oral exam 90 (30+60) 3
Biorefinery to Green Polymers V 2 WS Oral exam 90 (30+60) 3
Modern Aspects of Colloid Science V 2 WS Oral Exam 90 (30+60) 3
Functional Hybrid Particles: from Synthesis to Energy Materials V 2 WS Oral exam 90 (30+60) 3
Physics of Solar Cells V, Ü 3 WS Written/ORal exam 120 (40 + 80) 4
Phhotopolymerisation V, S; 3 WS 120 (40 + 80) 4
Protecting group strategies in organic and polymer synthesis V 2 SS Oral exam 90 (30 + 60) 3
Biobased Building Blocks for Nanotechnology V 2 SS Oral exam 90 (30+60) 3
Advanced Microscopy V, Ü 3 SS Written exam 120 (40+80) 4
Physics or Organic Semiconductors V, Ü 3 SS 19/20 Oral exam 120 (40+80) 3


Academic calendar SoSe 2024:

  • Lecture period: April 15, 2024 - July 20, 2024
  • 3rd quarter (TU): April 15, 2024 - Mai 31, 2024
  • 4th quarter (UP): June 03, 2024 - July 20, 2024


Free University Berlin

Basic lab manual: Polymer Synthesis and Characterization (PDF)

Humboldt University Berlin

The most recently updated version of the manuals for the Lab course "Polymer Characterization and Polymers at Surfaces and Interfaces Laboratory" are found on the Moodle page:

Please register to the Moodle course, the password will be given at beginning of semester

Technical University Berlin

Manuals for Polymerization Technology - Laboratory (PS301-P):

University Potsdam

Manuals for Electrical and Optical Properties (PS401-P):


Legal Notice according to § 5 TMG (Telemediengesetz)


Freie Universität Berlin
Legal Notice of the FU Berlin

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Legal Notice of the HU Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin
Legal Notice of the TU Berlin

Universität Potsdam
Legal Notice of the University Potsdam

Web Content Editor

Prof. Reinhard Schomäcker

Technische Universität Berlin
Fakultät II / Institut für Chemie
Straße des 17. Juni 124
10623 Berlin

Telefon: +49 30 314 23476
Telefax: +49 30 314 26602

Design / Implementation

Monika Noji

Email: monika.noji (at) nonoware.de

Web: www.nonoware.de


All images © 2010 - 2015 FU Berlin, HU Berlin, TU Berlin, University of Potsdam.

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Freie Universität Berlin
Data Privacy Statement of the FU Berlin

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Data Privacy Statement of the HU Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin
Data Privacy Statement of the TU Berlin

Universität Potsdam
Data Privacy Statement of the University Potsdam

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